Thursday, February 14, 2008

Learning from scratch

So the first thing that everyone asks me after they come to know that I am going to learn violin is this:

Why violin?

The short answer ?

That currently I play the tuba and normally we read the bass clef. Learning the violin would make me learn to read the treble clef and in so doing, I would be able to read both clef easily! Hopefully.

Another reason that I thought up which pretty much fits is that I do not want to ruin my embourche by learning a woodwind instrument. Besides, the violin is such a classy instrument don't you think?

As for the long answer, well, I don't really know it myself. It has to do with some events that happening in my life I suppose. Among them is taking the ABRSM Grade 5 exam which I think precipitated in my first lesson.

And the rest they say is history.


blisterfeetinneedoffiling said...

u will be able to read both clefs faster and with more accuracy. can trust me on that. the violin is not just classy it is sexy. and sexy is not tacky.thanks for blogging :)

Unknown said...

Yay to that man! haha. No problem!